Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Alchemist Blog 4

"Where your treasure is, there also will be your heart" (159).

When someone is on a quest for something, their heart may or not be in it. If it is, and one succeeds, then the heart will be satisfied because the person knows that they tried their hardest to accomplish their goal. If they don't try, and they fail, they know exactly why they failed: they didn't try. When students get bad grades, there is never confusion. There may be frustration and disappointment, but there should never be confusion. If I get a bad grade on a test, I know exactly why I got that bad grade. Either I didn't study enough, or I never learned the material well enough, or I just didn't try. When someone tries their hardest and they fail, that is the ultimate disappointment, but in some way, they are satisfied because they gave it their all. So no matter what the "treasure" may be for Santiago, he will be satisfied because he saw his Personal Legend through to the end.

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