Monday, November 15, 2010

Othello Quote Log: Act 4, Scene 1

"Ay, you did wish that I would make her turn. / Sir, she can turn, and turn, and yet go on, / And turn again. And she can weep, sir, weep. / And she’s obedient, as you say, obedient. / Very obedient.—Proceed you in your tears.— / Concerning this, sir—Oh, well-painted passion!— / I am commanded home.—Get you away, / I’ll send for you anon.—Sir, I obey the mandate / And will return to Venice.—Hence, avaunt!" (4.1. 284-292).
Othello doesn't believe Desdemona whatsoever. He actually causes her to cry after he slaps her. He then doesn't believe that Desdemona is truly upset. He tells Lodovico that she is lying and that she can turn on him like she did to Othello. Even though Lodovico believes that Desdemona is obedient, Othello laughs at this fact, as he believes that she is completely unfaithful. He also seems to be glad that he has been called away because he wouldn't have to deal with Desdemona. He seems angry that he must accept his order, but does anyway. He is also glad at the same time because he can get away from Desdemona. These actions will lead to trouble because Othello's calmness will never be exhibited again. Lodovico and others will have a hard time trusting Othello and his judgment. 

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