Monday, November 22, 2010

Othello Quote Log: Act 5, Scene 2

"Nobody. I myself. Farewell. / Commend me to my kind lord. Oh, farewell!" (5.2. 152-153)

Desdemona is killed by Othello and Emilia watches her die. Emilia asks Desdemona "who hath done this deed?"(5.2. 151) and Desdemona claims no one committed this treachery against her. Even in death, Desdemona is not willing to betray Othello. After all that Othello had put her through, her love for him was far stronger than any hate he had for her. She also refers to Othello as "kind", which at the beginning of the play would have been true; however, at this point, Othello is unreasonable and anything but kind.

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