Tuesday, February 8, 2011

P & P Blog 2

Although Elizabeth originally thought Mr. Darcy to be quite implacable, she is starting to realize that he is more than meets the eye. Mr. Darcy is very picky when it comes to choosing a consort. He doesn't like the idea of conforming to society and choosing a wife just for financial or status fulfillment. Elizabeth, after being insulted by Mr. Darcy, wanted nothing to do with him and would speak openly without seeking his approbation. However, now that she is somewhat aware that he is interested in her, she is starting to be a little more open minded regarding her attitude towards Mr. Darcy. She is starting to respect his unique disposition. The fact that Mr. Darcy is looking for something other than what is expected from him is a very endearing quality. But Mr. Darcy's straightforward and honest attitude sometimes leaves Elizabeth befuddled. Elizabeth mentions that the two are similar: "We are each of an unsocial, taciturn disposition, unwilling to speak, unless we expect to say something that will amaze the whole room" (Austen 80). Mr. Darcy is quick to disagree with this assertion. He basically says outright, "no". This type of person can be seen in today's society quite often. If someone is speaking ironically and trying to be funny, but the other doesn't have the greatest sense of humor, their reaction will most definitely resemble, "what the hell are you talking about?". If someone so readily shoots down something that is truly believed by another, then the conversation can become tense. The person who was embarrassed by this comment will most likely experience immediate disdain for that person. So even though Elizabeth thought she was starting to understand Mr. Darcy, there is still one thing she must overcome for them to have a more intimate relationship: his abrasive disposition.

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