Wednesday, February 16, 2011

P & P Blog 4

Mr. Darcy unexpectedly proposes to Elizabeth. Of course, she declines. She was already opposed to Darcy's haughty disposition, but after hearing some disturbing news from Colonel Fitzwilliam, she had become increasingly more infuriated with Darcy. Darcy then admits to Elizabeth that he intentionally sabotaged Jane and Bingley's relationship and kept him from marrying Jane. These odious words make Elizabeth wonder why in the world Darcy would think she would accept. Darcy later explains in a letter to Elizabeth that the reason he broke Jane and Bingley up, was because he wanted to save Jane heartbreak. If he were to have waited until the two were married, then the difference in class would surely destroy them both. After Darcy leaves, Elizabeth is shocked that someone of Darcy's class would even propose marriage to her. She knows that her family would be upset that she declined, but she isn't looking for a prudent marriage, she's looking for love and she is completely sure she wouldn't find it with Darcy.

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