Monday, December 6, 2010

Character Description: Iago (Othello)

Peter Sanfacon
Mr. George
World Lit Honors
1 December 2010
Character Description: Iago
            Iago is the personification of evil as he selfishly destroys Othello and Cassio’s lives to systematically gain the pride he lost from his jealousy of the two.
            Before the play began, Othello had announced that Cassio would be his new Lieutenant. Iago, believing that he should have been promoted in place of Cassio, decides to go on a crusade to rectify this injustice; he begins to lie and stretch the truth mercilessly. When he tells Brabantio about his daughter’s lies, he uses sharp racism to convince him that Othello is in the wrong. This works out for Iago because Brabantio is the one to plant the seed of jealousy (1.3. 333-334). Later, Iago convinces Cassio to drink in celebration of Othello’s marriage. Cassio becomes drunk and starts a fight, which Othello must break up. Cassio is then demoted (2.3. 264-265). At this point, there would be no need for Iago to continue his path of destruction because his original goal has been accomplished. However, he is pure evil, so he continues his crusade. He eventually convinces Othello that Desdemona is cheating on him with Cassio. Othello’s jealousy drives him to kill Desdemona, his true love (5.2. 152-153).
            Iago possesses the hatred of the devil. His plots for revenge will not be stymied, like the boxer who doesn’t give up until he has won. He is the son who is overlooked and his thirst for attention burns like the fires of hell as his will to inflict pain increases like hot air trying to escape the tightest space.
            In an episode of Chappelle’s Show, Silky Johnson hates on people at the Player Haters ball not because he wants revenge, but because he is a hater and he enjoys it.

1 comment:

  1. -Make sure to use MLA format with Character Descriptions
    -make sure summarizing does not conflict with actual plot
